I got the planting bug…again.

This home has lots of flowers and lots of friendly people. Right away I was greeted by people and offered free seeds. Free is my favorite!

Usually this inspires fear in the heart of plants everywhere and my husband who mans the finances …because I’m not good at it….but I never give up.
This year I have no kids at home and minimal livestock to care for. Really almost none since my husband does the caring while I work out of town. (Hey, these days if the job pays well, out of town is fine.)
So……incoming…..by the bucket. (pictures)
Dahlias, been a favorite of mine since Great-Grandpa had them.
Johnny Jump-Ups, Mom’s favorite. Must be genetic.
Johnny Jump-Ups, Mom’s favorite. Must be genetic.
Daylilies, daffodils, crocus, hyacinth, coneflowers, iris, sunflowers, tomatoes, herbs, etc.. You get the picture. If it grows and it’s legal I want some…..
Last year I was stuck on trees. Planted a 4 in 1 apple (Bob) and a Vanderswolf Pyramid Pine (Charlie)..Yep. I name the trees.
Now on to Dave’s Garden. http://www.davesgarden.com/
This time I am engaging help. A whole online community of gardening people who look like they’ve had some success! I love it when I sign on it says “Welcome Home Beadmom” (That’s me.)
This home has lots of flowers and lots of friendly people. Right away I was greeted by people and offered free seeds. Free is my favorite!
Originally I signed up for the free section but quickly realized I wanted to subscribe. $19.9? a year. Call it $20. In one day it was worth the price. I learned how to plant $40 worth of Dahlia tubers without killing them all which I surely would have done! Kind people check to see if I have a designated watering person while I am out of town. I tell them I do and if he fails in that job I'll hide his Girl Scout cookies. They deemed that a suitable threat.
There are tons of forums (discussion boards), blogs, flower, bird & bug data bases, journaling, photos etc. There is a rating of companies so you know before you buy how good they are and much, much more.
I am currently involved in 11 boards. Photos, Pacific Northwest Gardening, Books, Movies & TV, Beginner Flowers, Farm Life, Beginner Gardening Questions, Dahlias, Poultry & Livestock, Beginner Landscaping, Sustainable Alternatives and Equine Forum,
Lots of great conversation in all the things I love.
Here is a picture of the converted computer desk in its new function as an indoor garden center as mentioned in http://gingerrambleson.blogspot.com/2009/03/planting-seeds-granddaughters.html.

I just called home. My sprouts are doing well.
Ginger, talk to Duncan, he's my gardening angel, his mother was a master gardener and Duncan has a outdoor green thumb. He does all our outdoor gardening.
ReplyDeleteIt's been busy here today. Stacks and stacks of books.