OK so cheese plates of course will bring me around to my favorite topic. WINE.
I tried several new wines yesterday, no boss related issues, so really just on the path of true enjoyment.
Last week I went into Whole Foods to indulge in one of my other passions. CHEESE. Picked up some killer cheeses, Lemon Stilton, a new blue I had to try from Cashel, Ireland, one of my favorite places to go on a self guided drinking tour. At some point I will get my travel blog going and you can see the great castle at Cashel (say that really fast 3x).
OK back to cheese.
Anyway, of course next to the cheese is the wine section and this nice lady was doing a tasting. Remembering I was the driver I only tasted a little.
I am not real big on Petit Sirah’s but this one had a dog on the label. I am easily distracted by dogs. I love dogs. I think Molly, who won the Eukanuba Dog show last week was the prettiest dog. A real D-O-G not a poofy mop with tiny feet…. I was rooting for her. She did better than the Cardinals. http://www.akc.org/nationalchampionship/index.cfm?section=special_pages&type=BIS&key_image=74980 She has a really sweet face.
Back to wine. Hey.. it is called RAMBLING 101 for a reason....
Turns out some of the proceeds from the sale of this particular wine went to the San Francisco SPCA. Yep a bottle went in the basket. I did actually try it and it was pretty good. Better than I expected. (I suppose if it was truly terrible I could have just given the $$$ to the SPCA myself.) Vinum 2006 Petit Sirah “Pets” http://www.vinumcellars.com/vinum/catalog/view_product.jsp?product_id=1004 I think it was somewhere around $10 was over $10 and under $15.
My next find was at COSTCO. I was a very good girl. I am CRAZY about the Harris Bridge Pinot Gris Dessert Wine “Sarah’s Stories”. Seriously, I took this wine to France as a gift. If you are going to take wine to France it better be REALLLLLLY GOOD. Then I had to ship MORE there for Christmas. This stuff is liquid gold from heaven! It comes in ½ bottles and is spendy I drive 25 miles to get it and pay $30 per bottle and consider it worth every little drop. http://www.harrisbridgevineyard.com/Wine%20Descriptions.html

<----Harris Bridge Sarah's Stories
Now here I am at COSTCO and I spy some ½ bottles of something….. Here comes the part where I was a very good girl. Chateau St. Michelle, one of my stapes for Riesling, has out a 2006 Horse Heaven Hills Ice Wine Chenin Blanc, and there it was… $36.99 per ½ bottle. Ouch. Probably very much worth it but the $180 at Best Buy on the latest version of my favorite photo program and Digital SLR’s For Dummies to go with my new Canon Rebel the day before was still on my husband’s mind. Next to the Horse Heaven Hills (I just like typing that….it’s such a cool name and it gives me hope for George, our ancient horse who went to horse heaven last spring.) Was some St. Chapelle 2006 Ice Wine Riesling from Idaho, $15.99 for a ½ bottle. Price wise that almost put me into the virtuous category so in the basket with the Dubliner cheese and the Pico De Gallo it went. I wish I could find a picture of the bottle…I think the ½ bottles are very cool looking and perfect for long stem flowers, but alas no pictures on google images. (Of that bottle.)
So, the wine was nice, WONDERFUL for the price. Sweet and fruity peachy with some apricot to it lots of flavor. Went great with the emmentaler and the camembert. http://www.northwest-wine.com/Ste-Chapelle-Ice-Wine-Riesling.html
Now I think after stumbling on this site (it has a blog too) http://community.winepressnw.com/I might have to do some more testing of ice wines. Seems there are a LOT of different ones. http://www.northwest-wine.com/Ice-Wine.html
Some days it’s good to be me ;)
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